
operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at the same time, and they all need to access your computer’s central processing unit (CPU)memory, and storage. The operating system coordinates all of this to make sure each program gets what it needs.

The binary number system is a numbering system that represents numeric values using two unique digits (0 and 1). Mosting computing devices use binary numbering to represent electronic circuit voltage state, (i.e., on/off switch), which considers 0 voltage input as off and 1 input as on. This is also known as the base-2 number system

Types of operating systems

Operating systems usually come pre-loaded on any computer you buy. Most people use the operating system that comes with their computer, but it’s possible to upgrade or even change operating systems. The three most common operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

 What is an Application?

You may have heard people talking about using a program, an application, or an app. But what exactly does that mean? Simply put, an app is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks. Applications for desktop or laptop computers are sometimes called desktop applications, while those for mobile devices are called mobile apps.

 What is the Internet?

The Internet is an increasingly important part of everyday life for people around the world. But if you’ve never used the Internet before, all of this new information might feel a bit confusing at first.

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll try to answer some basic questions you may have about the Internet and how it’s used. When you’re done, you’ll have a good understanding of how the Internet works, how to connect to the Internet, and how to browse the Web.

What is the Web?

The World Wide Web—usually called the Web for short—is a collection of different websites you can access through the Internet. A website is made up of related text, images, and other resources. Websites can resemble other forms of media—like newspaper articles or television programs—or they can be interactive in a way that’s unique to computers.

Using search engines

With billions of websites online today, there is a lot of information on the Internet. Search engines make this information easier to find. Let’s look at the basics of using a search engine, as well as some techniques you can use to get better search results.

How to search the Web

There are many different search engines you can use, but some of the most popular include GoogleYahoo!, and Bing. To perform a search, you’ll need to navigate to a search engine in your web browser, type one or more keywords—also known as search terms—then press Enter on your keyboard








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November 4th, 2018

Quiz 1

من هو المالك الحقيقي للانترنت ؟ وماهي مراحل تطوير شبكة الانترنت ؟

November 4th, 2018

Lecture 1 what is the internet ?

تاريخ الإنترنت ظهرت فكرة الشبكة الحاسوبية للمرة الأولى خلال المرحلة البدائية من تطوير شبكة الاتصالات، حيث تكمن أهميتها في إتاحة […]

October 28th, 2018

Lecture 5 Computers Have Changed the World

The progress in Computer Science education, digital skills and opportunities that flow computing innovation in machine learning. Here are some […]

October 28th, 2018

Python examples

1- Write Python Program to Print Hello world! 2- Write Python Program to Add Two Numbers 3- Write Python Program […]

October 24th, 2018

Lecture 3 & 4 ( Understanding Computer Systems)

operating system (OS) manages all of the software and hardware on the computer. Most of the time, there are several different computer programs running at […]

October 24th, 2018

Computer skills quiz 2

Click here
October 18th, 2018

Download Python

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October 14th, 2018

Report ( python keyword-list )

يرجي تلخيص المحتوي الموجود في هذا اللينك التلخيص يكون بخط اليد

October 13th, 2018

Lecture 1& 2 final (Introduction to Computer Technology)

Computer A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can […]

October 7th, 2018

ظاهرة التوحد

لوحظ مؤخرا أن التوحد  أثار جدل الكثير من العلماء والباحثين لكونه أصبح من أعقد الاضطرابات النمائية إلي الآن . بناءا علي […]

October 7th, 2018

Quiz chapter 1

Click here
October 1st, 2018

العلاقات العامه (Public Relation)

العلاقات العامه (Public Relation) بإختصار تعتبر واجهة أي شركة والممثل لها ؛ كونها لسان و سمعة الشركة في كل ما […]

September 30th, 2018

Lecture 2 Introduction to Computer Technology

Software Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and instructions, often broken into two major categories: […]

September 30th, 2018

نظام الساعات المعتمدة

لأى حد هيدرس بنظام الساعات المعتمدة Credit hours وال مش فاهمين النظام ولا ايه ال GPA وعاوز يفهم ايه النظام […]

September 28th, 2018

Quiz 1

What basic tools do you need to start programming? What command would you use for the following in bash (CLI)? […]

September 28th, 2018

Lecture 1 Introduction to Programming

Introduction to Programming If you work in a software development company as a non-programmer, you may wonder what the programmers […]

September 27th, 2018

  (interview مقابله عمل )  اجتماع بين شخص او اكثر يمثل المؤسسة او الشركة اللي عندها استعداد تعين حد ان […]

September 25th, 2018

How Computer and Information System Change our Life?

How Computer and Information System Change our Life?   write your answer in comment including your name (Arabic) (اكتب إجابتك […]

September 24th, 2018

Embedded systemالأنظمة المدمجة

(Embedded systemالأنظمة المدمجة) عبارة عن كمبيوتر صغير معمول عشان ينفذ تاسك واحده او مجموعة تاسكات الفرق ما بين embedded system […]

September 24th, 2018

هل هناك فرق بين الهندسه الكهربيه والهندسه الالكترونيه ؟

اولًا للاجابه عن السؤال هنعرف تعريف كلًا منهم .. اما عن الهندسة الكهربائية فهي أحد فروع علم الهندسة، والذي يختص […]

September 19th, 2018


Welcome to your Computer Skills Quiz 1 Your Name ID Your Mobile Email A computer is an electronic device ? [...]
September 19th, 2018

Lecture 1 Introduction to Computer Technology

Introduction to Computer Technology what is engineering ? course plan !  Functionalities of a Computer Computer Components Input Devices &  Output […]