
1-What is information?

2-What is information security?

3-Why information security is important?

4-What is information security management?

69 Responses to “Why information security is important?”

  1. Hassan Gaber Mohamed

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality   Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data.   Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly.   Availability   Data can be accessed when needed.      Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture.

  2. خالد محمد عبد اللطيف

    1- هي البيانات التي عولجت لتصبح ذات معنى ومغزى مُعيّن لاستعمال مُحدّد
    2- الأمن المعلومات هو العلم الذي يعمل علي توثيق الحماية من المخاطر الذي تهددها أو اعتداء عليها وذلك من خلل توثيق الأدوات ووسائل اللازمة لحماية معلومات من مخاطر الداخلية والخارجية أي وضع برنامج امن لمعلومات وذلك لمنع وصول المعلومات إلي أشخاص عير مخولين عبر اتصال ولضمان صحة هذه اتصال
    3-Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.
    The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:
    Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability
    4- An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  3. toka mohamed abdallah mohamed yousef

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  4. sabah badr

    1_information is data that can be send and recived between users

    2_that can send data without any problem or losses

  5. Mohamed noshy

    محمد نصحى محمود محمد
    المستوى الرابع اتصالات

  6. Mohamed noshy

    1.What is information?
    It is data that has been processed

    2.What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information

    3.Why information security is important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4.What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  7. Mohamed Mostafa

    What is information?
    It is data that has been processed

    What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

     is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information

    Why information security is important?

    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected. 

    What is information security management?

    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach. 

  8. Ahmed Hedihed

    1- What is information?

    Information : is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated.

    Data is the term, that may be new to beginners, but it is very interesting and simple to understand. It can be anything like name of a person or a place or a number etc. Data is the name given to basic facts and entities such as names and numbers. The main examples of data are weights, prices, costs, numbers of items sold, employee names, product names, addresses, tax codes, registration marks etc.

    Data is the raw material that can be processed by any computing machine. Data can be represented in the form of:
    Numbers and words which can be stored in computer’s language

    2- What is information security?

    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3- Why information security is important?

    Today, you can order from any online stores and pay them online from your credit cards even better, make it emi. You can pay your bills from home and book airlines tickets from your mobile……All that just in a click.

    Obviously you love all this convenience and want to keep doing this, even you want the service providers to provide more such services. If you lose money from your bank account while doing a recharge, will you again try that? No. You are doing this conveniently because you know it is safe, your bank and vendors are convinced that it is secure and even if something bad happens, you know “some” people will make sure it won’t happen again. “Some” people are working to keep system safe and improving it every day.This assurance is there due to these people and it is necessary.

    These “some” people are the information security guys.

    4- What is information security management?

    An ISMS is a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change. ISO 27001 is a well-known specification for a company ISMS.

  9. Mohamed noshy

    محمدنصحى محمود محمد
    المستوى الرابع اتصالات

  10. Mohamed noshy

    What is information?
    1.It is data that has been processed

    2.What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information

    3.Why information security is important?

    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4.What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  11. الامير جمال رمضان

    What is information?
    It is data that has been processed to accomplish a certain task.
    What is information security?
    Is a science that uses scientific theories in computer science and other sciences
    To protect data from threats.
    Why information security is important?
    Because we store and access information in various devise and forms such as laptops,mobile and documents
    We handle various types of valuable information like customer data and business data
    And any loss of information can affect the organization in terms of time,money and reputation.
    What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach..

  12. الامير جمال رمضان

    What is information?
    It is data that has been processed to accomplish a certain task.
    What is information security?
    Is a science that uses scientific theories in computer science and other sciences
    To protect data from threats.
    Why information security is important?
    Because we store and access information in various devise and forms such as laptops,mobile and documents
    We handle various types of valuable information like customer data and business data
    And any loss of information can affect the organization in terms of time,money and reputation.
    What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach..

  13. Mohamed noshy

    محمد نصحى محمود محمد
    المستوى الرابع اتصالات

  14. Mohamed noshy

    What is information?
    1.It is data that has been processed

    2.What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information

    3.Why information security is important?

    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4.What is information security management?

    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  15. مايكل مارون

    1:information is the data that has been proceesed and converted into more useful or intlligible form and expressed either as the content of message
    2:information security refers to the processand tools designed to protect sensitive business information from modification,disruption and inspection
    3:information security is very important to help protect against this types of hacks and virus
    Companies used it to protct these systems and information from stolen
    4:it is the processe created to help organization in a data breach scenario by having aformal set of guidelines,businesses can minimize risk and ensure work continuity

  16. mahmoud allam mahmoud

    1-what is information ?
    it is the data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated

    2-what is information security ?
    Information security, often referred to as Info Sec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3-why information security is important ?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4-what is information security management ?
    An ISMS is a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change. ISO 27001 is a well-known specification for a company ISMS

  17. محمد السيد حلمي ابو العلمين

    1-Data that is:
    a)accurate and timely.
    b) specific and organized for a purpose.
    c) presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance.
    d) can lead to an increase inunderstanding and decrease in uncertainty.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.
    3-information security is very important in an organization to protect the applications that implemented in organizations and protect the data store in computer as well. Besides protect the data, the application installed also need to be protect because it can contribute to information lost or damages.
    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  18. Esraa Abdulbadea

    1-why is information security important ?

    Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.

    2-what is information ?

    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.

    When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge.

    3- what is information security ?

    Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.

    4-what is information security management ?

    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to a bare minimum.

  19. هدير السيد فودة

    1- Information:
    is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    2-information security:
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    “Info Sec” is a crucial part of cybersecurity, but it refers exclusively to the processes designed for data security. Cybersecurity is a more general term that includes InfoSec.
    a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-information security:
    is very important in an organization to protect the applications that implemented in organizations and protect the data store in computer as well. … In an organization, information is important business assets and essential for the business and thus need appropriate protected.
    4-information security management:
    If you start making forays into the world of information security and management systems, you will quickly stumble across the term ‘ISMS’. An ISMS, or information security management system, is a defined, documented management system that consists of a set of policies, processes, and systems to manage risks to organizational data, with the objective of ensuring acceptable levels of information security risk.
    By designing, implementing, managing, and maintaining an ISMS, an organization is able to protect its confidential, personal, and sensitive data from being leaked, damaged, destroyed, or exposed to harmful elements. The point of an ISMS is to proactively limit the impact of a data security breach.
    The ISMS is relevant for a defined organization or business unit that falls within the scope of the ISMS.
    The motivation behind information security management is to guarantee business coherence and decrease business harm by counteracting and limiting the effect of security incidences. An Information Security Management System (ISMS) empowers data to be shared while guaranteeing the assurance of data and registering resources.

  20. Asmaa Gomaa

    (1) What is information ?
    Information is knowledge about a particular subject, issue, event or process. Information can be obtained from various sources

    (2) What is information security ?
    Safe-guarding an organization’s data from unauthorized access or modification to ensure its availability, confidentiality, and integrity.

    (3) Why information security is important ?
    help your organizations or clients to understand their strengths and weaknesses as it pertains to security. This baseline creates a starting point for ramping up for success. Once you understand where your organization needs to focus its attention, you can quickly set an actionable plan to help improve your security measures, and ultimately improve your security posture within your industry.

    (4) What is information security management ?
    a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change.

  21. عبدالرحمن شاكر

    1- information is when data is processed , organized , structured and presented in a given context so as to make it useful , it is called information.

    2- Information security is a set of strategies for managing the process , tools and polices necessary to prevent , detect document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.

    3- As we store and access information in various devices such as laptops , mobiles and verbal documents . We handle various types of valuable information like customer data , financial information and business data .
    Information is the asset that powers and enables our business and Any loss of information can affect the organization in terms of :
    – time – reputation – Money .

    4- security management is closely related to risk management and it is aimed through various methods , procedures , guidelines and standards a permanent secure solution to such conditions.

  22. مريم محمد

    1-the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence.OR: knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-No matter how big or small a company may be, there is vital importance in ensuring information security for both your own and your client’s data. The careful planning, implementation, monitoring and maintenance of strict controls is necessary to protect all assets, especially information- which is extremely valuable to any organization.
    4-From internal emails to sales materials to financial statements, organizations of all sizes from all industries deal with large amounts of information each day. To an organization like yours, this information is a competitive advantage – it’s how you solve problems, land big clients, and grab your share of the market. The goal of an Information Security Management System (ISMS) is to protect the information that differentiates your business, both online and in person.

  23. Amina Ashraf

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-Information security is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information-information
    3-security is very important in an organization to protect the applications that implemented in organizations and protect the data store in computer as well. Besides protect the data, the application installed also need to be protect because it can contribute to information lost or damages
    4-information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity

  24. marwa mohamed

    (1) what is information?
    Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of an abstract or concrete concept.

    (2)what is information security?
    information security is defined as the protection of information and the system, and hardware that use, store and transmit that information.

    (3)Why information security is important ?
    _ protect the organization’s ability to function
    _enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems
    _protect the data the organization collect and uses
    _is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization

    (4)What is information security management ?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data.

  25. كريم محمد السيد

    1- Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it.

    2-Information security is refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3-Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft.Information systems security covers a number of jobs and careers for people to choose from too. It provides procedures to manage risk. It protects the company, assets, shareholders, employees and clients from theft. It keeps confidential information secure.

    4- An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to be minimum.

  26. Ahmed Ammar

    1- processed data.

    2-the term of the protocols and tools that’s required to keep data secure from any modification or destructions.

    3- it’s very important because its securing data that maybe are facing the danger of hacking or stealing sensitive information,also because now days data is very valuable and may affect on many ways in man’s live and also companies and cities.

    4-a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of it is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  27. Moaaz Abdelftah

    1- Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it .
    2 – refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection .
    3 – Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected .
    4 – An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach .

  28. Shereen mohmed

    2-what is information ?

    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    2- Information security is a set of strategies for managing the process , tools and polices necessary to prevent , detect document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.

    Sayed Kenawy
    Sayed Kenawy
    Professor Associate
    Sayed Kenawy®

    Why information security is important?
    February 17, 2019 | sayed kenawy | information security
    1-What is information?
    2-What is information security?
    3-Why information security is important?
    4-What is information security management?
    22 Responses to “Why information security is important?”

    Hassan Gaber Mohamed February 19, 2019 at 2:37 am
    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.
    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to a bare minimum.

  29. Eman Megahed

    1-What is information?is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    2-What is information security?(IS) is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security.
    3-Why information security is important?The three principles of the CIA triad – confidentiality, integrity and availability – are applied by information security professionals every day to protect physical and digital information. … While keeping information secure is vital, making sure it’s available when needed is just as important
    4-What is information security management?(ISM) describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities.

  30. Aya hussien

    (1) What is information ?
    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.

    (2) What is information security ?
    Information security, often referred to as Info Sec , refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    (3) Why information security is important ?
    information security is crucial to all organization to protect their information and conducts their business. Information security is defined as the protection of information and the system, and hardware that use, store and transmit that information. Information security performs four important for an organization which is protect the organization’s ability to function, enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems, protect the data the organization collect and uses, and lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization. There are also challenges and risk involves in implemented information security in organization.

    (4) What is information security management ?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data.
    The goal of an (ISMS) is to protect the information that differentiates your business, both online and in person.

  31. amera alsaaka

    1-What is information?
    _Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters.
    _When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    2-What is information security?
    _is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.
    _is basically the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information.
    3-Why information security is important?
    -because Information security performs four important for an organization which is protect the organization’s ability to function, enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems, protect the data the organization collect and uses, and lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization.
    -The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:
    _because security is crucial to all organization to protect their information and conducts their business.
    4-What is information security management?
    – is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data.
    -The Information Security Management process includes:
    1-A policy.
    2-An Information Security Management System (ISMS).
    3-Structure and controls.
    4-Risk Management.
    5-Communication strategy.

  32. Zeinab Ahmed

    1)What is information?
    Information is data formatted in a manner that allows it to be utilized by human beings in some significant way.

    2)What is information security?
    the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction.

    3)why is information security important?
    the information security performs four important functions for an organization which is:-
    – Enables the safe operation of application implemented on the organization’s Information Technology (IT) systems.
    -Protects the data the organizations collects and use.
    -Safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization
    -Protects the organization’s ability to function.

    4)What is information security management?
    Information security management describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities

  33. Abdelrahman Yasser

    Information .
    Data that is accurate and timely, specific and organized for a purpose, presented within a context that gives it meaning and relevance, and can lead to an increase in understanding and decrease in uncertainty.
    Information is valuable because it can affect behavior, a decision, or an outcome. For example, if a manager is told his/her company’s net profit decreased in the past month, he/she may use this information as a reason to cut financial spending for the next month. A piece of information is considered valueless if, after receiving it, things remain unchanged

    Information Security .
    Information Security is not all about securing information from unauthorized access. Information Security is basically the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. Information can be physical or electrical one. Information can be anything like Your details or we can say your profile on social media, your data in mobile phone, your bio metrics etc. Thus Information Security spans so many research areas like Cryptography, Mobile Computing, Cyber Forensics, Online Social Media etc.
    Information Security programs are build around 3 objectives, commonly known as CIA – Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.
    Confidentiality : means information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities and process. For example if we say I have a password for my Gmail account but someone saw while I was doing a login into Gmail account. In that case my password has been compromised and Confidentiality has been breached.
    Integrity : means maintaining accuracy and completeness of data. This means data cannot be edited in an unauthorized way. For example if an employee leaves an organisation then in that case data for that employee in all departments like accounts, should be updated to reflect status to JOB LEFT so that data is complete and accurate and in addition to this only authorized person should be allowed to edit employee data.
    Availability : means information must be available when needed. For example if one needs to access information of a particular employee to check whether employee has outstanding the number of leaves, in that case it requires collaboration from different organizational teams like network operations, development operations, incident response and policy/change management.
    Denial of service attack is one of the factor that can hamper the availability of information.
    Information security is important
    Protecting information means managing risk, just as you’d manage the risk of any other type of hazard occurring. Yet the risks around information security are all too often overlooked or brushed off – the mindset being that only the huge multinational corporations suffer data breaches and “it’ll never happen to us”.
    But it can happen to any business.

    Information security management.

    how you manage it in an ever-changing world. You’re not only having to contend with the effects of digitization, big data and the Internet of Things, but the growing demands of globalization, regulation, and protection against cyber threats.
    Types of quality management systems
    Planning your quality management system?… Creating and documenting a detailed plan for your quality management system will help drive results around your specific goals, track progress and success. As with everything, you’ll want to do some research before you get started. In this article, we explain:… But how do you structure your quality management system?
    Implementing a Quality Management System: Best Practice
    Implementing a quality management system is as much as an art as it is a science. It is an art to manage people and a science to have a process approach to quality…. In this article Qualsys’ Business Mentors Mike Bend all and Peter Pond discuss implementing a quality management system and answer your frequently asked questions. With experience implementing and consulting with organisations of all sizes, they offer an expert perspective on successfully implementing a new quality management system…. It sounds like a obvious question, but let’s start with the basics by defining and discussing the scope of a quality management system.

  34. Aya Samy

    1:Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of an abstract or concrete concept.

    2:Information security, often referred to as Info Sec , refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3:because Information security performs four important for an organization which is protect the organization’s ability to function, enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems, protect the data the organization collect and uses, and lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization.

    4:(ISM) describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities.

  35. Mohamed Gamal Elsharkawy

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    2-Information security’s primary focus is the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation, all without hampering organization productivity
    3-The important of information security policies is to preserve:
    Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data.
    Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly.
    Data can be accessed when needed.
    Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.
    4- describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities. By extension, includes information risk management, a process which involves the assessment of the risks an organization must deal with in the management and protection of assets, as well as the dissemination of the risks to all appropriate stakeholders. This of course requires proper asset identification and valuation steps, including evaluating the value of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and replacement of assets

  36. Farag Rady

    1-What is information?
    Information is the answer to a question of some kind it is also that from data and knowledge can be derived as data represent values attributed to parameters and knowledge signifies understanding of real things or abstract concepts as it regards data .
    Information existence is not necessarily coupled to an observer it exit beyond an event horizon.
    Information is always conveyed as the content of a message. Information can be encoded into various forms for transmission and interpretation for example : information may be encoded into a sequence of signs or transmitted via sequence of signals , it can also be encrypted for safe storage and communication .
    2-What is information security?
    Information security ensures that people deal with the reliable information and data regarding confidentiality , integrity and availability and it is an important prerequisite in the pursuit of a better and above all more reliable service offering .
    Failure of a computer systems database is failing into the wrong hands or the abuse of confidential information can have series consequences for organizations ,businesses and citizens . these includes loss of image compensation claims and even political consequences
    3-Why information security is important?
    We store and access information in various devices and forms such as “ laptopa – mobiles – verbal – documents “ .
    We handle various types of valuable information like “ customer data – financial information – business data “.
    Information is the asset that powers and enables our business. Any loss of information can affect the organization in terms of ( time – reputation – money )
    Here are some information security practices important to be followed :
    • E-mail security : does an email have a suspicious link or an attachment ? don’t click or open it.
    • Internet security: while using internet , don’t download free or unauthorized software , even if you have admin access.
    • Social media usage : while participating in social media , don’t disclose confidential information .
    • Connecting to WiFi: always connect to secure WiFi hotspots.

    4-What is information security management?
    information security management system is how you ensure information security within an organization.
    It is a management activity within the corporate governance framework which provides the strategic direction for security activities and ensure objectives are achieved .
    The purpose of ISM is to provide a focus for all aspects of IT security and manage all IT security activities.
    The term information is used as a general term and includes date to store databases and metadata.
    The objective of information security is to protect the interest of those relying on information and the systems and communication that deliver the information from harm resulting from failure of availability , confidentiality and integrity .
    What should be included in an ISM ?
    The production maintenance distribution and enforcement of an information security policy and supporting security policies.

  37. Usama Mohamed Elsaid

    1-What is Information?
    Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver.

    2-What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from unauthorized access, modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3-Why information security is important?
    To keep your information particularly secure. Whether physical or electronic data from falling into the hands of an unauthorized person or hackers who can use your information in ways that harm your work and your family and personal security.

    4-What is information security management?
    Information Security Management aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an organization’s information, data and IT services. ITIL Security Management usually forms part of an organizational approach to security management which has a wider scope than the IT Service Provider.

  38. عبد الرحمن عادل قطب الصاوى

    1- What is information?
    it is the data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated

    2-what is information security ?
    Information security ensures that people deal with the reliable information and data regarding confidentiality , integrity and availability and it is an important prerequisite in the pursuit of a better and above all more reliable service offering .
    Failure of a computer systems database is failing into the wrong hands or the abuse of confidential information can have series consequences for organizations ,businesses and citizens . these includes loss of image compensation claims and even political consequences

    3)why is information security important?
    We store and access information in various devices and forms such as “ laptopa – mobiles – verbal – documents “ .
    We handle various types of valuable information like “ customer data – financial information – business data “.
    Information is the asset that powers and enables our business. Any loss of information can affect the organization in terms of ( time – reputation – money )
    Here are some information security practices important to be followed :
    • E-mail security : does an email have a suspicious link or an attachment ? don’t click or open it.
    • Internet security: while using internet , don’t download free or unauthorized software , even if you have admin access.
    • Social media usage : while participating in social media , don’t disclose confidential information .
    • Connecting to WiFi: always connect to secure WiFi hotspots.

    (4) What is information security management ?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data.
    The goal of an (ISMS) is to protect the information that differentiates your business, both online and in person.

  39. Ahmed Adel abdelAziz

    1.what is information?
    It is data that has been processed to achieve a certain task.

    2.What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information

    3.Why information security is important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4.What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of (ISMS) is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach

  40. Mohamed Ayman Mosa Selim

    (1) nformation is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.

    (2)Information security (IS) is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    (3) Abstract: Currently information security is crucial to all organization to protect their information and conducts their business. Information security is defined as the protection of information and the system, and hardware that use, store and transmit that information. Information security performs four important for an organization which is protect the organization’s ability to function, enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems, protect the data the organization collect and uses, and lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization. There are also challenges and risk involves in implemented information security in organization.

    (4) An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture.

    ISO 27001 is a specification for creating an ISMS. It does not mandate specific actions, but includes suggestions for documentation, internal audits, continual improvement, and corrective and preventive action.

  41. Shereen mohmed

    1)what is information?
    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge.
    2)What is information security?
    nformation security (IS) is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security.
    3)Why is information security important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected. Not to mention many companies and organizations today have an IT and security department to oversee their network systems.

    The main focus of this industry is to protect these systems and to prevent the information from being stolen too. People in this industry can be involved with several tasks including raising user awareness, improving existing security systems, and in some cases even investigating security breaches too.
    4)what is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  42. ابراهيم محمد محمد إبراهيم احمد مشعل

    What is the information?
    Information is data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated.
    What is the information security?
    Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec, is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. The information or data may take any form, e.g. electronic or physical.[1] Information security’s primary focus is the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (also known as the CIA triad) while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation, all without hampering organization productivity.[2] This is largely achieved through a multi-step risk management process that
    identifies assets, threat sources, vulnerabilities, potential impacts, and possible controls, followed by assessment of the effectiveness of the risk management plan.

    To standardize this discipline, academics and professionals collaborate and seek to set basic guidance, policies, and industry standards on password, antivirus software, firewall, encryption software, legal liability and user/administrator training standards.[3] This standardization may be further driven by a wide variety of laws and regulations that affect how data is accessed, processed, stored, and transferred. However, the implementation of any standards and guidance within an entity may have limited effect if a culture of continual improvement isn’t adopted.[4]
    Why is the information is important?
    Information is one of the most important organization assets. For an organization, information is valuable and should be appropriately protected. Security is to combine systems, operations and internal controls to ensure integrity and confidentiality of data and operation procedures in an organization. Information security history begins with the history of computer security.
    What is the information security management?
    information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to a bare minimum.

  43. Sara Mostafa

    1-What is information?
    Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of concrete concept.
    2-What is information security?
    Information Security A specialist in securing information transmitted via the Internet from the risks that threaten it.
    Information security is defined as the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information.
    3-Why information security is important?
    to protect information where information security is defined as the protection of information and the system, and hardware that use, store and transmit that information. Information security performs four important for an organization which is
    – protect the organization’s ability to function,
    – enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems,
    – protect the data the organization collect and uses
    – lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization.
    4-What is information security management?
    Information security management (ISM) describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities.

  44. Abdullah Rammadan

    1-is the resolution of uncertainty; it is that which answers the question of “what an entity is” and is thus that which specifies the nature of that entity, as well as the essentiality of its properties. Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of an abstract or concrete concept.

    2-is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. The information or data may take any form, e.g. electronic or physical.
    Information security’s primary focus is the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (also known as the CIA triad) while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation, all without hampering organization productivity.

    3-Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.
    The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:
    -Confidentiality: Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data.
    -Integrity: Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly.
    -Availability: Data can be accessed when needed.
    Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.
    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture.

  45. Mohamed Fawzy Salim

    1- What is information?
    Information is processed data which can be sent from user to another

    2- What is information security?

    information security is the techniques and methods used to protect the information(data) from being hacked in any way like viewing, modifying or deleting.

    3- Why information security is important?

    Information worth alot nowdays, information is today’s oil, with data countries can conquer another countries, with data billions of money can be stolen, and military weapons can be accessed.
    almost everyone has his/her mobile or laptop or computer they are full of data, without information security there will be no privacy and anyone can know everything about anyone

    4- What is information security management?

    An ISMS is a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change. ISO 27001 is a well-known specification for a company ISMS.

  46. Tasnem Rageh

    What is information?
    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge.

    What is information security?
    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach. An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture.

    Why information security is important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected. Not to mention many companies and organizations today have an IT and security department to oversee their network systems.
    The main focus of this industry is to protect these systems and to prevent the information from being stolen too. People in this industry can be involved with several tasks including raising user awareness, improving existing security systems, and in some cases even investigating security breaches too.

  47. حنان السيد عبدالعال

    1- What is information security?

    information security is the techniques and methods used to protect the information(data) from being hacked in any way like viewing, modifying or deleting.2:)Information security, often referred to as Info Sec , refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.4-information security management:
    If you start making forays into the world of information security and management systems, you will quickly stumble across the term ‘ISMS’. An ISMS, or information security management system, is a defined, documented management system that consists of a set of policies, processes, and systems to manage risks to organizational data, with the objective of ensuring acceptable levels of information security risk.
    By designing, implementing, managing, and maintaining an ISMS, an organization is able to protect its confidential, personal, and sensitive data from being leaked, damaged, destroyed, or exposed to harmful elements

  48. Ahmed Farouk omran

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information

    2-Information security is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information.responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.

    3-Abstract: Currently information security is crucial to all organization to protect their information and conducts their business. Information security is defined as the protection of information and the system, and hardware that use, store and transmit that information. Information security performs four important for an organization which is protect the organization’s ability to function, enable the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems, protect the data the organization collect and uses, and lastly is safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization. There are also challenges and risk involves in implemented information security in organization

    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  49. Mo saber

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge.

    2-is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. The information or data may take any form, e.g. electronic or physical.
    Information security’s primary focus is the balanced protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data (also known as the CIA triad) while maintaining a focus on efficient policy implementation, all without hampering organization productivity.

    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.

    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  50. Ghada salah mohamed

    1_information is the resolution of uncertainty; it is that which answers the question of “what an entity is” and is thus that which specifies the nature of that entity, as well as the essentiality of its properties. Information is associated with data and knowledge, as data is meaningful information and represents the values attributed to parameters, and knowledge signifies understanding of an abstract or concrete concept.[1] The existence of information is uncoupled with an observer, which refers to that which accesses information to discern that which it specifies; information exists beyond an event horizon for example, and in the case of knowledge, the information itself requires a cognitive observer to be accessed.
    2_Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3_Two-factor authentication, user permissions and firewalls are some of the ways we protect our private information from outside sources. As defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), information security is “the protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction.” Due to widespread usage of technology, the clientele in need of protection from security threats has been continuously growing. From large global corporations to small startups, anyone using technology to help run their business needs help avoiding security breaches.
    4_    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach. 

    Ghada salah

  51. Mohamed El Sayed Abd El Wahab

    1-What is information?
    Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.
    When information is packaged or used for understanding or doing something, it is known as knowledge.

    2- What is information security?
    Information security (IS) is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security.

    3- Why information security is important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. … The main focus of this industry is to protect these systems and to prevent the information from being stolen too.

    4-What is information security management?
    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  52. Radwa Esmail

    1-When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data. After processing (such as formatting and printing), output data can again be perceived as information.

    2 -it refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection
    it is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information

    3-Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.

    The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:


    Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data.


    Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly.


    Data can be accessed when needed.

    Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    4-Information security management describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities

  53. اسامه احمد ابراهيم خميس

    هي البيانات التي عولجت لتصبح ذات معنى ومغزى مُعيّن لاستعمال مُحدّد_1
    2- الأمن المعلومات هو العلم الذي يعمل علي توثيق الحماية من المخاطر الذي تهددها أو اعتداء عليها وذلك من خلل توثيق الأدوات ووسائل اللازمة لحماية معلومات من مخاطر الداخلية والخارجية أي وضع برنامج امن لمعلومات وذلك لمنع وصول المعلومات إلي أشخاص عير مخولين عبر اتصال ولضمان صحة هذه اتصال
    3-Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.
    The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:
    Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability
    4- An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.
    اسامه احمد ابراهيم خميس
    المجموعه 2 سكشن 13

  54. Ahmed Saeed

    1-What is information?
    Information is knowledge about a particular subject, issue, event or process. Information can be obtained from various sources: you can be told information, for example through a lecture or a television program, or you can find information through your own research.

    2-What is Information Security?
    Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec. It is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. InfoSec refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3-Why information security is important?
    security is very important in an organization to protect the applications that implemented in organizations and protect the data store in computer as well. Besides protect the data, the application installed also need to be protect because it can contribute to information lost or damages

    4-What is information security management?
    An ISMS is a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change.

  55. Amera abd elsalam

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2 -it refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection
    it is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4_    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach. 

  56. Nour El-dean Ahmed Mohamed

    1-Information: Information is data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligible form. It is the set of data that has been organized for direct utilization of mankind, as information helps human beings in their decision making process. Examples are: Time Table, Merit List, Report card, Headed tables, printed documents, pay slips, receipts, reports etc. The information is obtained by assembling items of data into a meaningful form. For example, marks obtained by students and their roll numbers form data, the report card/sheet is the .information. Other forms of information are pay-slips, schedules, reports, worksheet, bar charts, invoices and account returns etc. It may be noted that information may further be processed and/or manipulated to form knowledge. Information containing wisdom is known as knowledge.

    2-Information Security is not all about securing information from unauthorized access. Information Security is basically the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information. Information can be physical or electrical one. Information can be anything like Your details or we can say your profile on social media, your data in mobile phone, your biometrics etc. Thus Information Security spans so many research areas like Cryptography, Mobile Computing, Cyber Forensics, Online Social Media etc.
    During First World War, Multi-tier Classification System was developed keeping in mind sensitivity of information. With the beginning of Second World War formal alignment of Classification System was done. Alan Turing was the one who successfully decrypted Enigma Machine which was used by Germans to encrypt warfare data.
    Information Security programs are build around 3 objectives, commonly known as CIA – Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.
    1. Confidentiality – means information is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities and process. For example if we say I have a password for my Gmail account but someone saw while I was doing a login into Gmail account. In that case my password has been compromised and Confidentiality has been breached.
    2. Integrity – means maintaining accuracy and completeness of data. This means data cannot be edited in an unauthorized way. For example if an employee leaves an organization then in that case data for that employee in all departments like accounts, should be updated to reflect status to JOB LEFT so that data is complete and accurate and in addition to this only authorized person should be allowed to edit employee data.
    3. Availability – means information must be available when needed. For example if one needs to access information of a particular employee to check whether employee has outstanded the number of leaves, in that case it requires collaboration from different organizational teams like network operations, development operations, incident response and policy/change management.
    Denial of service attack is one of the factor that can hamper the availability of information.

    3-The Importance of Information Security
    Organizations have recognized the importance of having roadblocks to protect the private information from becoming public, especially when that information is privileged. The 2017 Cybersecurity Trends Report provided findings that express the need for skilled information security personnel based on current cyberattack predictions and concerns.
     Feeling confident about their organization’s security level: When information security community members participated in the Cybersecurity Trends Report, they were asked how positive they felt about their security stance. 62% reported feeling only moderately to not at all confident; only 7% were extremely confident. “Cybersecurity professionals are most concerned about phishing attacks, malicious insiders and malware,” the report stated.
     The need for skilled workers and allocation of funds for security within their budget: Companies are making the effort to allocate more funds in their budgets for security. As cyberattack threats increase, information security experts are pushing for more focus on protecting the companies from losing time due to network defense disruptions.
     Disruptions in their day-to-day business: Time is money. Security disruptions that interfere with a company’s essential functioning is a threat that can be fought against with skilled information security professionals stopping an infiltration that initially went undetected.

    4-Information security management (ISM) describes controls that an organization needs to implement to ensure that it is sensibly protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threatsand vulnerabilities. By extension, ISM includes information risk management, a process which involves the assessment of the risks an organization must deal with in the management and protection of assets, as well as the dissemination of the risks to all appropriate stakeholders.[1] This of course requires proper asset identification and valuation steps, including evaluating the value of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and replacement of assets.[2] As part of information security management, an organization may implement an information security management system and other best practices found in the ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27002, and ISO/IEC 27035 standards on information security.

  57. Khaled Ellabban

    1.What is information?

    It is data that has been processed

    2- What is information security?

    Information security, often referred to as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3.Why information security is important?

    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4-what is information security management ?

    An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to a bare minimum.

  58. Abdelrahman Mohamed

    February 21, 2019 at 10:17 pm
    1-what is information ?
    it is the data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who receives it. it is any thing that is communicated

    2-what is information security ?
    Information security, often referred to as Info Sec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.

    3-why information security is important ?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. This can include names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, payrolls, etc. This information is sensitive and needs to be protected.

    4-what is information security management ?
    An ISMS is a set of guidelines and processes created to help organizations in a data breach scenario. By having a formal set of guidelines, businesses can minimize risk and can ensure work continuity in case of a staff change. ISO 27001 is a well-known specification for a company ISMS.

  59. mahmoued mohamed helmy

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.
    2- What is information security?
    Information security (IS) is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security.
    3- Why information security is important?
    Information systems security is very important to help protect against this type of theft. Companies and organizations are especially vulnerable since they have a wealth of information from their employees. … The main focus of this industry is to protect these systems and to prevent the information from being stolen too.
    4- An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of frameworks that contain policies and procedures for tackling security risks in an organization. The focus of an ISMS is to ensure business continuity by minimizing all security risks to information assets and limiting security breach impacts to be minimum.

  60. Ahmed Mohamed amine sharara

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture.

  61. Ahmed galal ebrahim sharf

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  62. Mustapha Mohammed elsaid

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture

  63. Eslam yosry ellithy

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture

  64. Mohamed wael

    1- هي البيانات التي عولجت لتصبح ذات معنى ومغزى مُعيّن لاستعمال مُحدّد
    2- الأمن المعلومات هو العلم الذي يعمل علي توثيق الحماية من المخاطر الذي تهددها أو اعتداء عليها وذلك من خلل توثيق الأدوات ووسائل اللازمة لحماية معلومات من مخاطر الداخلية والخارجية أي وضع برنامج امن لمعلومات وذلك لمنع وصول المعلومات إلي أشخاص عير مخولين عبر اتصال ولضمان صحة هذه اتصال
    3-Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security.
    The purpose of information security policies is to preserve:
    Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability
    4- An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach

  65. Ahmed Khaled Abdulraziq

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  66. محمد عبدالهادي عبدالهادي

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture

  67. Mohamed abdelmonem

    1. Information Security important? Data held on IT systems is valuable and critical to the business of the University. We all rely on IT to store and process information, so it is essential that we maintain Information Security. The purpose of information security policies is to preserve: Confidentiality Data is only accessed by those with the right to view the data. Integrity Data can be relied upon to be accurate and processed correctly. Availability Data can be accessed when needed. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Information Security Guidelines may lead to disciplinary action.

    2.When data is processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make it useful, it is called information.

    3.Information security is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. Confidentiality, integrity and availability are sometimes referred to as the CIA Triad of information security. This triad has evolved into what is commonly termed the Parkerian hexad, which includes confidentiality, possession (or control), integrity, authenticity, availability and utility.

    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

    An ISMS typically addresses employee behavior and processes as well as data and technology. It can be targeted towards a particular type of data, such as customer data, or it can be implemented in a comprehensive way that becomes part of the company’s culture

  68. Eslam Elaydi

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-Information security (infosec) is a set of strategies for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital information. Infosec responsibilities include establishing a set of business processes that will protect information assets regardless of how the information is formatted or whether it is in transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4-An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

  69. ahmed elkelany

    1-Information is stimuli that has meaning in some context for its receiver. When information is entered into and stored in a computer, it is generally referred to as data.
    2-What is Information Security?
    Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec. It is designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer system data from those with malicious intentions. InfoSec refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection.
    3-Information security is important for organizations of all sizes. Protecting company data and information requires a substantial investment and thorough security policy. A strong information security policy is essential to protecting a company’s sensitive data and is critical to its overall success.
    4.An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and procedures for systematically managing an organization’s sensitive data. The goal of an ISMS is to minimize risk and ensure business continuity by pro-actively limiting the impact of a security breach.

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